The Madonna House Blog
Re-consecrated to Our Lady of Guadalupe
God Creator of Humanity Prayer By Rebecca Blonski Dear God, Our Creator, Who made heaven and earth, Desiring to share in our humanity offered us new life through our cooperation with You. In Your Great Love for...
Consecration To Our Dear Blessed Mother
Madonna House had the original consecration to Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1998. Madonna House is dedicated to serving approximately 3,000 impoverished and needy, infants, children, and women yearly, by providing:...
Madonna House receives NAACP Asbury/Neptune Community Service Award
Madonna House, along with six other honorees from various local businesses and organizations was honored to receive the Asbury/Neptune NAACP Community Service Award. The NAACP Masquerade Freedom Fund was held at Jumping Brook Country Club in Neptune on 2/25/17....

“It’s Expensive To Be Poor”
“IT’S EXPENSIVE TO BE POOR” By Sarah Blonski-Marshall & Rebecca Blonski Most of the mothers coming to Madonna House are considered the working poor. While they may have jobs, those jobs barely cover their daily expenses. Anyone who has children knows...

Life Poem By Rebecca Blonski dated 1987 I thank You, Almighty God, for every human life, You have so lovingly and wondrously created. Let everyone be given a chance to love and be loved. Dear God, source of all Life and Love, Please, help me learn to do...

The Most Important Person on Earth
The Most Important Person On Earth The Most Important Person on Earth is a Mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more Magnificent than any cathedral ~ a dwelling for an immortal...

Madonna House New Web Site
Today we are so very proud and delighted to announce to the WORLD that the Madonna House Web Site is finally, officially here! We are back on track!! This, of course, would never have come about.... without the help of Fred Strahl, creator and founder of...