Our Families
Madonna House serves a range of children, from those who are homeless to children of families faced with financial difficulty. Families are referred to us by local and county welfare departments, hospitals, social service agencies, the VNA, professionals, schools, police, municipal courts, churches and individuals.
Madonna House is a Roman Catholic religious association accepting peoples of all multiplicity. Families and children who come to Madonna House are diverse in ethnicity, cultural background, race, religions and beliefs. We firmly believe that each and every person is a precious gift from God, thus worthy of respect. We strive to help children and families live with the dignity that all human beings deserve; embracing life as the greatest of all God’s gifts.
Madonna House strives to serve each and every family that comes through our door with the greatest of care. Not only do we offer families the very best material goods, which have been donated by the Grace of God, but our desire to help the poor and suffering is given through natural benevolence because we cannot bear to see suffering without attempting to relieve it. Christ our Lord, who died for each of us, commands us, “to love one another as He has loved us, adding: “Greater Love than this no man hath that a man lay down his life for his friends”.
Madonna House is not funded by Federal, State or local government. Madonna House is made possible only through private donations and the generosity if caring people and organizations. Madonna House is a 501.(c)(3) fully tax-deductible, nonprofit organization.